Sunday, September 20, 2009

Burnt Car

Bismarck law enforcement officials say boaters on the river called in to report a car on fire near the desert boat landing Officials say this car was extinguished by rural firefighters after boaters called it in andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t bismarck-policeandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Bismarck Policeandamp lt aandamp gt say the car had been reported as stolen around 8 30 this morning The andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t burleigh-county-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Burleigh Countyandamp lt aandamp gt Sheriff s department then responded to the scene south of the desert boat landing Deputies say no one is in custody and the incident is still under investigation

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