Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lake Levels Encouraging

Rising lake levels do more than benefit fishing in andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t north-dakotaandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt North Dakotaandamp lt aandamp gt The drought has had a dramatic affect on businesses that depend on the recreational traffic And now that the water is rebounding so has business at many area resorts andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t donnell-preskeyandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Donnell Preskeyandamp lt aandamp gt has the story splash Sounds of a busy place boat Sounds that had been silent for years boat Kelly Sorge andamp quot Gets depressing watching water go down and stay down and wonder how long you can survive with it being that way andamp quot Kelly Sorge owns Indian Hills resort west of andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t garrison-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Garrisonandamp lt aandamp gt She took over the family business the year the drought took over the bay We did see some people who come from a long ways a way of out state they want to wait till water comes back And it s back With the change of water levels comes a change in attitude Kelly Sorge andamp quot The blue water up to the green grass it s amazing how beautiful it is andamp quot Donnell andamp quot This area of Indian Hills is the hub of all the activity Hard to believe this bay is being used for the first time since 2003 andamp quot Sorge andamp quot this entire bay was maybe 4 feet and the year before was completely dry We didn t even use the main boat ramp - we had a temporary ramp we ve been using since 2004 andamp quot Now that ramp the parking lot and the road to it are all underwater And this new dock had been sitting on the shoreline for five years waiting to float sorge in meantime added on to place added new campgrounds put some cabins in took time to work on place and build on things so when water is back now we re ready andamp quot Downstream the Stateline Resort near andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t strasburg-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Strasburgandamp lt aandamp gt is also ready The low water had a more dramatic affect here The water was a mile and a half from the shore too far for any camper or boater to enjoy imgrund andamp quot without water it pretty much devestated the business and made doors close up andamp quot After being shut down for five years it feels good to open the doors once again imgrund andamp quot Since water back up brought business back reopened here Lots of guests in first month andamp quot Both businesses say while this year is good as long as the water stays up the best is yet to come Sorge says she s seeing the impact of the economy As the summer winds down fewer people are making a second trip to the resort

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