Monday, March 23, 2009

Beulah Flooding

Most residents who live along the Knife River in andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t beulah-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Beulahandamp lt aandamp gt have had to evacuate Here s the southern portion of town this afternoon County officials say around 50 homes have been flooded in town so far and the Sheriff s Dive and Rescue team have had to rescue 12 people fromt their homes by boat While it s hard to assess just how much property damage there is at this time Emergency workers say they re just glad there haven t been any injuries Frank Bitterman County Commissioner andamp quot The emergency management is doing a good job fire departments have been helping in andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t hazen-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Hazenandamp lt aandamp gt Beulah and Zap and we re fortunate we re working together and we re going to get over this thing andamp quot There is also flooding in Zap and the outskirts of Hazen Officials say 12 andamp lt a href andamp quot http www kxnet com t mercer-county-ndandamp quot class andamp quot kxInlineLinkandamp quot andamp gt Mercer Countyandamp lt aandamp gt roads are closed as of right now And no rural buses are running at this time

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