Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fueling a fishing boat

Crab Fisherman Script
I ve been crabbing for about 35 years
We crab eight months out of the year starting in April and end in December
Our fuel is very astronomical
Low-sulfur diesel fuel was 2 20 a year ago Now it s 4 30
I m so afraid that there s just not going to be enough profit in it for me to keep the help that I need and make them the money that they need to make
I m making about a third of what I made last year It s just the fuel prices
How much would a crab fisherman make each year If he made 50 thousand last year he ll make 40 thousand this year just because of fuel
It s costing us twice if not more to run everyday
Our whole operational costs everything that s based on petroleum is up 100 percent
For the last two weeks sales have been down I ve paid my operational costs and whatever was left after that I gave it to my help Business got zero Don got zero Don doesn t like that That s not good for Don s checkbook Don s wife doesn t like that
People can t afford to fill their gas tanks so why are they going to go out and spend money on crabs They have to pace their priorities along with everyone else
You have to be able to sell your product Years ago I wouldn t care if my next row of pots was 10 miles from here I was spread out looking for crabs Now with the cost of the fuel alone not the bait the fuel it makes me stay confined in some areas so I don t burn that astronomical figure
I hope we ll survive I really do I mean what is a guy 60-years-old going go try to find something else that s going to say hey you ll do alright here I m not going to be a taxi cab driver in D C or nothing like that It s not in my cards
Are you nervous at all Yeah very nervous I probably won t be here in another few years
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years If I can afford to do it still right here I just love it It s not something that just anybody can come out here and do It s something you can take pride in when you come in with a boat-load of crabs at the end of the day You work hard for what you get but it s worth it at the end
The young men here they have families they ve got bigger mortgages than I do So I ll survive the young men of today in this business it s going to be damn tough

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